To get started for a single building and up to 500 assets.
monthly, paid annually
App Free problem Reporting
Asset Management
Solve Analytics
Up to 5 buildings and 2500 assets.
monthly, paid annually
All basic features +
Single Sign On
API Access
Authenticated Reporting
For organisations with a large portfolio.
All Pro Features +
Unlimited Buildings & Tags
Hereworks Happy Platform
Hereworks Solve offers API integration capabilities, allowing it to seamlessly connect with your current software and building management systems. Even though Solve is a powerful standalone solution, it does integrate with your existing software. Some of the integrations Solve supports are: MS365 email and Teams, Cureocity, Hubstar, Kode Labs.
Please contact us to make any amendments to your plan. For downgrading the plan, you will need to ensure that the number of building and assets are reduced to match the lower plan by the date the new plan goes live. Otherwise, we reserve the right to continue to charge you for the higher plan until the number of buildings and assets match the lower plan requested.
Yes. Please contact us to discuss.